Streamline yourlead generation processwith TechPeeker.

TechPeeker helps you discover and verify emails, find leads, and perform detailed website lookups—all in one platform.

Email Finder

Email Verification / Email Finder

TechPeeker simplifies lead generation by enabling you to verify and find email addresses efficiently.

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Our Pricing Plan

Select a plan that fits your needs and unlock your potential!

Basic Plan

Start with the Basic Plan to verify and find up to 500 emails monthly. Perfect for new businesses establishing their initial contacts.

$29,99 /Month

What’s included:

Verify/Find up to 500 emails per month
Unlimited website lookups

Business Plan

Choose the Business Plan to verify and find up to 1500 emails monthly. Ideal for growing companies needing robust lead management.

$49.99 /month

What’s included:

Verify/Find up to 1500 emails per month
Unlimited website lookups
Export Websites(new)